oilfield proppant companies
of the Curimbaba Group



Safety is a paramount priority. The Curimbaba Group considers its business model more effective when the entire company strives to work safely. A corporate response plan proactively provides a safe working environment for our employees, suppliers, contractors, customers and visitors. Consideration is planned for people living close to the mining, manufacturing and warehousing facilities and also the routes where raw material and finished product are transported, used or disposed.
Disciplined engineering processes and workplace design exhibits a safety and accident prevention culture that benefits our employees and exemplifies our corporate community commitment.

Sintex has implemented a very successful safety program with a goal of zero lost time accidents, incidences and near misses. Employees and contract personnel are encouraged to report any potential hazardous events or actions. These incidences are then analyzed by management and the safety department which then process and implement necessary corrective or preventive actions.
As a company, the Curmibaba Group expects contracted personnel and carriers to strive to help us to achieve our safety goals. The responsibility of an acceptable safety culture extends to those entrusted to safely load, transport and unload our product at the customer’s site.

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